In a world invaded and controlled by Jokers, the story begins with Doris, a ‘maniac’ girl, who fights alone against the Jokers. She doesn’t aim to be a savior nor has any interest in others. For her, happiness and pleasure come solely from running and fighting.
1. Be an adventurer! Defeat the Jokers and get to the end!
This is not just a parkour game; it’s also an action game! Overcome all the enemies you encounter! Nothing can stop you, and nothing is unbreakable! Experience vivid immersion in fighting and extreme smoothness. Here, everything is about the collision of power and art.
2. Speed and furious!
Get rid of boredom in parkour games! Dash through it! Slash down and speed up! In the unique Fever Mode, you will experience an alternative war in classical music. Alongside battles and blades, a teddy bear awaits you at each checkpoint!
3. Dress up!
Dress up Doris! We have designed various suits and weapons for you to match to your own taste. Share your creations through social media.
A war between Doris and the Jokers is beginning! Are you ready for this?
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